Mrs. White's Visions Explained

By Dirk Anderson, last updated June 2024

It is natural for people to be enthralled by dramatic stories of the supernatural. In the earliest days of Adventism, it was common for the young Ellen White to fall to the floor and be taken away "in vision." Such an event is virtually unheard of in today's SDA churches. However, such events were regular occurrences in both Adventist and some non-Adventist churches in the mid-1800s. In order to fully understand Mrs. White's visions, we must understand the environment in which they occurred.

An Era of Religious Fervor

Religious fervor ran strong during this era. Many prophets and visionaries were having trances and visions during religious meetings—both Adventist and non-Adventist. Adventist minister Isaac Wellcome wrote that visions similar to Ellen White's were "common among the Methodists,"1 the church in which Mrs. White was raised. Early Adventists were accustomed to one or more "visionists" being present during their meetings. This was an era when prophets of every kind abounded.

During those early years, Adventist meetings were scenes of intense religious excitement. In 1846, the enthusiasm exhibited at the meeting in the home of Israel Dammon provides a well-documented example of the super-charged atmosphere in the early meetings. Ronald Numbers in his book Prophetess of Health, along with other historians, have documented that the early meetings can best be described as charismatic in nature. They were characterized by:

  • Loud singing
  • Shouting praises, or shouting at the devil
  • Faith healings
  • "Holy" laughter
  • Occasional speaking in tongues
  • Believers falling to the floor, "slain in the spirit." Those "slain in the spirit" would sometimes arise to relate a vision or give a message or word from God.

Ellen White reported the details of early meetings in her personal letters. One meeting she described...

"Brother and Sister Ralph were both laid prostrate and remained helpless for some time. ... While I was in vision, the doctor came, he heard the shouting in vision and would not come in."2

The evidence indicates the physical manifestations involved in Ellen White's visions were not substantially different from the manifestations of other visionists during this era. The prophetess Sarah Richards would swoon as she went into vision, and then she would lay on the floor "motionless and apparently lifeless" until she would get up to deliver her message.3 In the Shaker communities, it was not uncommon for young girls to be struck to the floor, and lay as if dead, until they would arise and "speak with great clearness and composure."4

Early Adventist meetings were remarkably similar to the charismatic meetings held in various churches today. Ellen White describes one such gathering in a letter:

"Our last conference was one of deep interest. ... It was as powerful a time as I ever witnessed. The slaying power of God was in our midst. Shouts of victory filled the dwelling. The saints here seem to be rising and growing in grace and the knowledge of the truth."5

At a conference held two months earlier in Topsham Mrs. White relates:

"Our conference at Topsham was one of deep interest. Twenty-eight were present; all took part in the meeting. Sunday the power of God came upon us like a mighty, rushing wind. All arose upon their feet and praised God with a loud voice. It was something as it was when the foundation of the house of God was laid. The voice of weeping could not be told from the voice of shouting."6

In the early days Mrs. White seemed to think loud, emotionally-charged meetings gave the worshipers some advantage against the devil. Oddly enough, she "saw" in vision that an advantage could be gained against the devil by shouting:

"Singing, I saw, often drove away the enemy, and shouting would beat him back."7

Visions Fade as Religious Excitement Dwindles

Gradually, during the 1850s and 1860s the religious fanaticism began to die down among the Adventists. A more subdued environment prevailed in the churches. Not surprisingly, Mrs. White had fewer dramatic day-time visions during the 1860s, and the visions ceased altogether in the 1870s.

In 1868, James White estimated that Ellen had received between 100 and 200 visions, and noted they had "grown less frequent" in recent years.8 An examination of the historical records of her visions shows Mrs. White only had approximately twelve during the 1860s, and three during the 1870s. She had no waking visions after the 1870s. At the same time, SDA church services became more sedate. Shouting and other charismatic activities faded, and religious excitement waned. As the religious excitement faded out, so did the waking visions of Ellen White.

Interestingly, after Mrs. White's visions died out in the 1870s, Seventh-day Adventists began challenging the validity of other visionaries. In the 1860s, SDA leaders staunchly defended the visions of others. In 1862, with James White's approval, M.E. Cornell published a pamphlet recounting the visions of various Christians, such as William Tennet, and provided quotes from various church leaders, such as John Wesley, in favor of visions. Cornell's tract was reprinted for the last time in 1875. After the 1870s, SDA leaders took an increasingly skeptical stance towards visions. For example, the prophet William Foy was described by SDA historian J.N. Loughborough as a man who failed in his mission to deliver his visions, and died shortly thereafter (this was false).9 Thus, as Mrs. White stopped having public visions, Seventh-day Adventism gradually began to look less favorably on the visions of others.

Visions Replaced by Dreams

As the waking visions ceased, Mrs. White began to refer to her revelations as "dreams" she had while asleep at night.10 Dreams have never been regarded as reliable as visions. The ancient Jewish philosopher known as Sirach cautioned:

"...fools are borne aloft by dreams. Like a man who catches at shadows or chases the wind, is the one who believes in dreams. What is seen in dreams is to reality what the reflection of a face is to the face itself....what you already expect, the mind depicts. Unless it be a vision specially sent by the Most High, fix not your heart on it; for dreams have led many astray and those who believed in them have perished."11

Interestingly enough, early Adventists classified dreams as less reliable than visions:

"Dreams and visions differ widely as a source of reliable communication. In visions the whole person, mental and physical, is under the entire control of a higher power; therefore what is communicated is really from the being holding this control over the person. In dreams we are more liable to be swayed by our thoughts through the day and the external circumstances and influences around us; therefore from their nature and varied sources we cannot rely upon them with that certainty that we can upon visions."12

Therefore, by the admission of Adventists, after the 1870s, Mrs. White's "communications" with heaven became less reliable.

What Caused the Visions?

There is still an ongoing debate among both Seventh-day Adventists and non-Adventists as to what caused the visions. The leading theories are:

1. Visions were supernatural communications from God

Overview - James White and other early Adventists advanced the view that Ellen White's trances were actually episodes wherein Ellen White was in communication with either God, Jesus, angels, or her spirit guide. This belief is still taught by the corporate SDA Church today. New converts to the sect are indoctrinated to believe Ellen White received visions from God and they are also implored to close their eyes to any critical research that would cast doubt on this story. Many older Seventh-day Adventists also hold this view along with a dwindling number of traditional ("historic") SDAs.

Support for this position:

  • Ellen White manifested seemingly inexplicable physical characteristics while in vision, such as being unconscious to those around her, barely breathing, and exhibiting unusual strength.
  • Ellen White knew information about others which was inaccessible to her.
  • Ellen White made predictions about the future which came true.

Criticisms of this position:

2. Visions were hallucinations caused by health problems

Overview - History records many religious people who have experienced hallucinations due to various health conditions. These people often falsely assumed that these hallucinations were visions from God because they were religious in nature. Mrs. White's life is full of similar health-related problems that are known to cause hallucinations in others.

In her 1880 auto-biography (Life Sketches), Ellen White writes about getting struck in the head at age nine by a stone thrown by another child. It knocked her unconscious, and she was unconscious for a period of about three weeks. That indicates a severe brain injury. After that injury, she could not concentrate on her studies, so by age twelve, she dropped out of school. There is no doubt she suffered a serious traumatic brain injury.

A traumatic brain injury can potentially cause hallucinations later in life—even years after the initial injury. Traumatic brain injuries can have long-lasting and sometimes delayed effects on brain function. Brain injuries can initiate neurodegeneration, where damaged brain cells continue to deteriorate over time. This ongoing damage can eventually lead to symptoms later in life, like hallucinations.

Traumatic brain injury can also lead to the development of temporal lobe epilepsy. This can cause complex partial seizures which can trigger auditory and visual hallucinations. These seizures and hallucinations can appear long after the initial injury.

There are documented cases of people with epilepsy and catalepsy and hysteria who had waking hallucinations. If the victims happen to be highly religious people, then religion is often the subject of their hallucinations. Their mind produces themes that they love to dwell on. Some see angels, some talk to angels or spirit guides, some fly to heaven. Some of these experiences feel extremely real. They can even smell flowers and other scents. Some predict future events, which almost always fail to happen.

A growing number of both SDAs and non-SDAs have adopted the view that her brain injury contributed to her visions. This theory was first advanced by Dr. Jackson, who examined Mrs. White and declared her a victim of hysteria. Others, including D.M. Canright, attributed the visions to hysteria and catalepsy. A century later, this theory would take an interesting turn when Dr. Delbert Hodder discovered amazing parallels between the life of Mrs. White and the lives of other victims of partial-complex seizures. Hodder's theory was advanced further with the publication of Dr. Molleurus Couperus' landmark article The Significance of Ellen White's Head Injury.

Secondly, recent evidence suggests mercury poisoning may have played a contributing role in her hallucinations. Workers exposed to mercury vapors in the hat-making industry frequently developed neurological symptoms, including tremors, mood swings, and hallucinations. Ellen White's father was a hatter, and he used mercury in the production of hats. As a young girl, Ellen assisted her father in his hat-making business for many years.

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can have significant effects on the brain and nervous system. Mercury poisoning can cause vivid, bizarre, or disturbing dreams. Mercury can cause hallucinations, depression, and can lead to religious obsession. Hallucinations, both auditory and visual, have been reported in severe cases of mercury poisoning.

A third potential health-related cause is old age. As Ellen White became elderly, she started reporting visits from a young man at night whom she called her guide. Elderly women experiencing dementia have reported various types of hallucinations, including visits from what they perceive to be young male spirits or spirit guides. These imagined spirits fulfill their unmet need for companionship or guidance. Hallucinations in elderly individuals with dementia are relatively common. Seeing people that are not present is commonly reported. Hallucinations and delusions are reported in nearly one third of all dementia cases.

Certain drugs can also induce intense and vivid dreams and hallucinations. Ellen White's secret stash of medicinals included ingredients such as morphine and opium. These drugs are known to cause hallucinations

In summary, Mrs. White experienced four health-related conditions that are known to cause visual and auditory hallucinations:

  1. Traumatic brain injury
  2. Mercury poisoning
  3. Dementia and delirium of old age
  4. Drug use

Support for this position:

  • Ellen White, in her younger years, exhibited many of the same symptoms displayed by victims of hysteria, catalepsy, epilepsy, and mercury poisoning. In her older years, she exhibited symptoms of what some might describe as dementia.
  • Ellen White provided little, if any, "new" information in her visions.
  • Allows for Ellen White to be considered as a "good Christian" who simply mistook her health-related hallucinations to be visions from God.

Criticisms of this position:

  • Health problems alone may not account for all of the phenomena in Ellen White's visions.
  • It is difficult to definitively prove, so many years after her death, that Mrs. White had these conditions.

3. Visions were due to hypnotic or mesmeric episodes

Overview - This theory was held by many early Adventists who saw Mrs. White in vision. Mesmerism reached its height of popularity in the mid-1800s and the practice invaded Christian churches, including Adventist ones. Studies of other subjects of mesermism show that some not only had heavenly visions, but while in trance they manifested other physical phenomena similar to the manifestations in Ellen White's visions. This theory gradually dwindled out as mesmerism fell out of practice.

Support for this position:

  • Ellen White admitted that many who saw her visions thought they were the product of mesmerism.
  • In her early career, Ellen Harmon was associated with Joseph Turner, a man who was known to practice mesmerism on young women, and who was known for inducing visions in them.
  • James White seemed to have the ability to bring her out of vision, which is reminiscent of mesmerism.

Criticisms of this position:

  • Mrs. White denounced mesmerism and was opposed to its practice.
  • Mesmerism requires a hypnotist to induce the mesmeric experience, and this seems to be lacking in many of her visions.

4. Visions were due to psychological phenomena

Overview - Doctors Janet and Ronald Numbers have advanced the idea that psychological factors contributed to Mrs. White's visions. This theory builds upon the evidence that certain highly emotional events, such as intense religious meetings, can trigger altered states of consciousness, such as trances, in certain individuals.

Others have suggested that psychiatric conditions, such as clinical depression, could be a factor. Studies have shown that individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injury are at an increased risk for delayed psychiatric symptoms, including depression, psychosis, and hallucinations. These conditions can emerge months or years after the injury. Psychiatric conditions can also cause people to have grandiose delusions, such as believing oneself to be a prophet. People with manic depressive disorder sometimes have hallucinations involving themes of guilt, sin, or divine punishment.

Support for this position:

  • Ellen White's personality may have had a tendency to be susceptible to excitement.
  • Ellen White provided little, if any, "new" information in her visions.
  • Other emotionally impaired individuals have experienced similar auditory and visual hallucinations.
  • Ellen White exhibited signs of severe depression.

Criticisms of this position:

  • Psychological problems alone may not account for all of the phenomena in Ellen White's visions.
  • It is difficult to definitively prove, so many years after her death, that Mrs. White had this issue.

5. Visions were from Satan

Overview - Rather than seeking to explain away the phenomena associated with her visions, this theory holds that the visions were indeed supernatural events, but the source of the communications was Satan not God. The advocates of this theory say that Ellen White's experiences are similar in nature to the experiences of spiritualists involved in communication with evil spirits.

Support for this position:

  • Ellen White acknowledged having a spirit guide. Dozens of times in her writings she referred to her "guide", whom she said was "a noble, well-dressed young man".13
  • Eyewitnesses believed they witnessed supernatural events in her visions, including manifestations typically associated with seances, such as "tipping tables".14
  • Some of the doctrines taught in her visions are unorthodox and potentially heretical (aka doctrines of demons).

Criticisms of this position:

  • Assumes Ellen White exhibited supernatural strength and supernatural knowledge, but recent scholarship has questioned both of these points.
  • Would seem to be contradicted by many positive eyewitness accounts of Ellen White and her ministry.
  • Jesus said "a kingdom divided against itself...cannot stand" (Mark 3:24). A few of Mrs. White's visions actually led the church in the correct direction theological direction. For example, Mrs. White's so-called "guide" seems to have motivated her to reject legalism and accept righteousness by faith at the 1888 conference.15 Since legalism was one of Satan's most effective strongholds in the SDA Church, it would seem unlikely that Satan would use a demonic "guide" to seriously weaken his own position.

6. Ellen White was a Charlatan

Overview - This theory denies any supernatural activity, and even discounts major health or psychological problems. According to this theory, James and Ellen White were motivated by a desire for fame, power, and/or money. She and James faked her visions and she lied about them to her followers in order to advance her own career and standing within the sect.

Support for this position:

  • Ellen White lied about obtaining her writings from other authors.
  • The Whites profited greatly from Mrs. White's prophetic abilities.
  • Some visions, such as the Jupiter vision, appear contrived for the express purpose of gaining influence over others (in this case, Joseph Bates).
  • Ellen White and her family were known to be hypocritical, frequently ignoring the rules they forced other SDAs to follow rigorously.

Criticisms of this position:

  • Some eyewitnesses describe Ellen White as a noble, Christian woman.
  • Would not explain all the phenomena witnessed in the early visions.


The bottom line is that there are many natural explanations for Ellen White's visions. It is irrational to accept a supernatural explanation for her visions when there is so much evidence that her visions could have had one or more natural causes. A natural explanation is far more likely than a supernatural one.

While no single explanation is without criticism, it is probable that a combination of several of the above factors account for her visions. While the debate as to the cause of her visions may never be settled beyond dispute, one fact is undeniable: The visions were most frequent at the height of the religious fervor following the 1844 disappointment, and they gradually subsided in frequency as the religious excitement died down. Eventually, as church services became more subdued and orderly, the visions ceased entirely.


1. Isaac Wellcome, History of the Second Advent Message.

2. Ellen White, Letter 1, 1848.

3. Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr., Pioneer Prophetess, Jemima Wilkinson, The Public Universal Friend, (Ithica, New York, 1964), p. 63.

4. The People Called Shakers, p. 153.

5. Ellen White, Letter 30, 1850.

6. Ellen White, Letter 28, 1850. Released by the Ellen G. White Estate (Washington, D. C.) Sept. 2, 1986 in Manuscript Releases, vol. 16, pp. 206-207.

7. Ellen White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 21 p. 238.

8. James White, Life Incidents, p. 272.

9. We now know this to be false. There is no evidence Foy "failed" in his mission. He also lived nearly 50 years after he published his visions. For more details, click here.

10. Letter 15, 1878; letter 1, 1880; letter 10, 1885.

11. Sirach 34:2-7, New American Bible. In the era of Sirach, dreams were considered by pagans as messages from the gods. The ancient Epic of Gilgamesh includes dreams that were interpreted as divine messages. Ancient Egyptians placed great importance on dreams, believing them to be messages from gods. Dream interpretation manuals have been discovered in Egyptian tombs. In Greek and Roman cultures, dreams were often seen as prophetic or divine messages. Many indigenous cultures around the world, regard dreams as messages from deities. Some New Age movements today, interpret vivid dreams as messages from spirit guides. However, from a modern, scientific perspective, vivid dreams are viewed as reflections of the subconscious mind rather than divine messages.

12. David Arnold, "Dreams and Visions", Review and Herald, Feb. 28, 1856.

13. Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White Volume 2 The Progressive Years 1862-1876, (1986), p. 487, para. 5. For examples of Mrs. White's comments about her guide, see Ellen White, The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials (1987), page 773; Early Writings (1882), pages 80,81; Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White (1880), page 156.

14. Ransom Hicks, in a letter dated Sept. 3, 1854, published in the Messenger of Truth, vol. 1 no. 3 p. 3, Oct. 19, 1854, writes:

"As concerning Ellen G. White's visions, I have heretofore known but little about them. I once saw her have one, and I once saw a table tip over and then tip back again of its own accord so far as I could discern. Neither the phenomenon of the vision, nor of the table tipping did I understand. ...her visions are not of God because of their confusion, which God is certainly not the author."

According to USA Today, Oct. 19, 2009, article "Who you gonna call? The Aykroyd family", one phenomena manifested during seances is "tipping tables". According to the Online Thesaurus, "table tipping" is a synonym for a seance.

15. Ellen White, 1888 Materials, Vol. 1, pp. 277-278.

Category: Visions Examined
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