Health Plagiarisms: Evidence Ellen White Copied from L.B. Coles and Others

Compiled by Brother Anderson

John Harvey Kellogg, M.D., discovered Ellen White plagiarized from L.B. Coles

Dr. J.H. Kellogg, a long-time associate of Ellen White, explains how he discovered Ellen White's plagiarism of Millerite health reformer L.B. Coles:

Dr. Kress was down in Detroit, and he ran across the book eight or ten years ago--Cole's Philosophy of Health, and he came to me with great interest and he said:

"I have discovered a book here that reads just like [Ellen White's book] How to Live. Such a wonderful thing that the Lord should put this into two minds at different times, but the curious thing about it is that this book was written before How to Live was written."

I said, "Dr. Kress, I know all about that. I have got the book in my library. It is Cole's Philosophy of Health, isn't it?"


"Now, I know all about it. His book was in my library, and sister White had access to it when How to Live was written, and that is the explanation of that. There is no miracle about that." (Interview with J.H. Kellogg as published in Spectrum, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 58)

In 1868, Mrs. White refers to L.B. Coles' book, Philosophy of Health, as an "excellent work." (Review and Herald, April 14, 1868). Following are numerous examples where she incorporates this "excellent work" into her own works:

The strange absence of principle which characterizes this generation, and which is shown in their disregard of the laws of life and health, is astonishing. Ignorance prevails upon this subject... With the majority, their principle anxiety is, What shall I eat? what shall I drink? and wherewithal shall I be clothed? ...appetite is the great law which governs... (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 140)
L.B. Coles, Philosophy of Health, (1851, 1853) Ellen G. White, various writings
They create a very large majority of their diseases by ignorance of their own organic laws - inform themselves on every subject but this - treat health as a matter of no account till destroyed - charge their sufferings to Providence, and DRUG THEMSELVES TO DEATH. (p. 8) The majority of diseases which the human family have been, and still are suffering under, they have created by ignorance of their own organic laws. They seem indifferent in regard to the matter of health, and work perseveringly to tear themselves to pieces, and when broken down, and debilitated in body and mind send for the doctor and drug themselves to death. (The Health Reformer, October 1, 1866, para. 8)
THE BRAIN is the seat and origin of all the nervous forces. It is made up of bundles of nerves. It is the seat of mental action. (p. 9) The brain is the capital of the body, the seat of all the nervous forces and of mental action. (The Health Reformer, June 1, 1872, para. 13)
THE NERVES, proceeding as they do from the brain, carry out its influences and commands into all the functions of the animal economy. From it go out various branches of nerves, to transmit, like so many telegraphic wires, the electric fluid which is inseparably connected with the vital action of every part of the body. (p. 11) The nerves proceeding from the brain control the body. By the brain nerves, mental impressions are conveyed to all the nerves of the body, as by telegraphic wires, and they control the vital action of every part of the system. (The Health Reformer, June 1, 1872, para. 13)
Every mother should...make herself acquainted also with the fundamental principles of physiology, that she may be able to give such a physico-moral discipline to each, as will do honor to herself as a faithful mother, and work out the physical and moral salvation of her child. (p. 11) A practical knowledge of the science of human life is necessary in order to glorify God in our bodies. It is therefore of the highest importance that among studies selected for childhood, physiology should occupy the first place. (Healthful Living, p. 13)
They [nerves] form the medium through which the brain receives intelligence from other parts... If...the end of the finger of the extended arm should touch a burning iron, a message by sensation would be forthwith sent from the burning end of the finger along the electric line to the brain, the general telegraph office... (pp. 11-12) If the finger is pricked, the nerves, like the telegraphic wires, bear the intelligence immediately to the brain. (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4a, p. 146)
Everything which tends to impair its tone, impairs the tone of the vital forces of every function of the body. And not only are these physical functions injured, but the mental forces also; for the nervous system is the connecting medium — the medium of sympathy between mind and matter. Hence the wretched economy of all stimulants and narcotics on the nerves. The injury done to the electric forces by the use of such agents as the habitual use of tea, coffee, alcohol, opium, and tobacco, and especially the latter, is far greater than is generally supposed. (p. 13 ) The brain nerves which communicate with the entire system are the only medium through which Heaven can communicate to man and affect his inmost life. Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents in the nervous system lessens the strength of the vital powers, and the result is a deadening of the sensibilities of the mind. (Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 347)
If we use food adapted to create cancerous, scrofulous, or any other humors, we run the risk of having such humors develop themselves, sooner or later, in some part of the system. (p. 15) Flesh meats constitute the principal article of food upon the tables of some families, until their blood is filled with cancerous and scrofulous humors. (Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 563, para. 2)
We cannot be too careful to have a free circulation of air in our sleeping apartment. (p. 19) Sleeping rooms should be so arranged as to have a free circulation of air day and night. (The Ministry of Healing, p. 274-275)
When food is taken, it should be thoroughly masticated before it is suffered to pass into the stomach. ...the action of chewing causes the food to be mixed with the saliva, which is an important item in the preparation of it for the action of the stomach and its juice. (p. 25) Food should be eaten slowly and should be thoroughly masticated. This is necessary in order that the saliva may be properly mixed with the food and the digestive fluids be called into action. (The Ministry of Healing, p. 305, para. 2)
...when they hurry down their food, half chewed and half moistened with saliva, it deranges the process of digestion throughout; and, as a consequence, the food not only sets bad on the stomach, and in time causes dyspepsia... If we cannot spare time to eat, we had better not eat at all. (p. 26) In order to have healthy digestion, food should be eaten slowly. Those who wish to avoid dyspepsia...will do well to remember this. If your time to eat is limited, do not bolt your food, but eat less, and eat slowly. . . . Those who are excited, anxious, or in a great hurry would do well not to eat until they have found rest or relief... (Healthful Living, p. 163, para. 2)
If persons intend to have health, their meals should be regularly timed and distanced. (p. 33) I am given a message to give to you: Eat at regular periods. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 169, para. 1)
Ten o' a favorable hour for retirement; and no food should be previously taken...within the space of two or three hours. (p. 34) If a third meal be eaten at all, it should be light, and several hours before going to bed. (Healthful Living, p. 165, para. 1)
A late supper generally occasions deranged and disturbed sleep...(p. 35) More food is forced upon it, which sets the digestive organs in motion, again to perform the same round of labor through the sleeping hours. The sleep is generally disturbed with unpleasant dreams... (Healthful Living, p. 165, para. 1)
Therefore, no two meals or luncheons should be allowed to come nearer to each other than a distance of at least FIVE HOURS; because, as any one can see, there is a regular routine of steps, in the process of digestion, to be gone through with in this space of five hours. (p. 39) After the stomach has done its work for one meal, do not crowd more work upon it before it has had a chance to rest, and to provide a sufficient supply of gastric juice for the next meal. Five hours at least should be given between each meal... (Healthful Living, p. 164)
While all should EAT TO LIVE, they, impiously and wantonly, LIVE TO EAT. (p. 42) And first it is important that the little ones be taught that they eat to live, not live to eat... (The Health Reformer, April 1, 1877)
Time for exercise has an important connection with digestion, and is indispensable to health. (p. 42) Exercise is important to digestion, and to a healthy condition of body and mind. (Healthful Living, p. 133, para. 4)
...some kind of brisk and smart exercise should be had early in the morning, before breakfast. This gives activity and energy to the body, greatly invigorates the appetite, and exhilarates the mind. (p. 43) Morning exercise, in walking in the free, invigorating air of heaven, or cultivating flowers, small fruits, and vegetables, is necessary to a healthful circulation of the blood. (Healthful Living, p. 130-131)
This rule applies to all sedentary habits... [they] should accustom themselves to considerable daily exercise of body... (p. 43) If your work is sedentary, take exercise every day... (Healthful Living, p. 81)
Severe exertion of body or mind, immediately after a full meal, should be avoided. ...No man should put himself to close study immediately after a full meal... (p. 45) Neither study nor violent exercise should be engaged in immediately after a full meal... (Healthful Living, p. 131, para. 2)
...the nervous energies — electric forces — of the whole system are drawn into sympathy with the stomach, and made tributary to this part of the digestive process... But, if we allow ourselves to make much bodily or mental exertion during the hour mentioned, we distract this arrangement; because, when bodily exertion is made, the nervous energies are required and drawn in that direction...or, if the mind is made to labor, then the nervous energies are called in that direction. Hence, when body or mind is taxed considerably immediately after eating, the process of digestion is much disturbed and interrupted. (p. 46) Immediately after eating there is a strong draught upon the nervous energy. The brain force is called into active exercise to assist the stomach; therefore, when mind or body is taxed heavily after eating, the process of digestion is hindered. The vitality of the system, which is needed to carry on the work in one direction, is called away and set to work in another. (Healthful Living, p. 131, para. 2)
This light exercise, immediately after eating...(p. 48) But a short walk after a meal, with the head erect and the shoulders back, exercising moderately, is a great benefit. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 104)
Hence, bread may, with scientific exactness, be called "the staff of life." (p.54) Bread is the staff of life... (Testimony for the Physicians and Helpers of the Sanitarium (1879), p. 91)
The condiments with which they are usually prepared do not assist in their digestion; except by over-stimulating the stomach, which stimulating process always tends to weaken that organ. (p. 59) Condiments are injurious in their nature. Mustard, pepper, spices, pickles, and other things of a like character, irritate the stomach and make the blood feverish and impure. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 339) puddings, cake, and pastry of various sorts. Mince-pies, wedding-cake, and plum-puddings, as they are generally made, should never be introduced into the human stomach... (p. 59) Because we from principle discard the use of meat, butter, mince pies, spices, lard, and that which irritates the stomach and destroys health, the idea should never be given that it is of but little consequence what we eat. .... Cakes, sweet puddings, pastries, jellies, jams, are active causes of indigestion. (Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods, p. 129)
Complicated food, especially that which is compounded with various kinds of condiments, is bad...for dumb animals could not be compelled to eat them. Hot bread, just from the oven, should never be ate till it has cooled and parted with its heated gases, which are hurtful to the stomach. (pp. 59-60) All mixed and complicated foods are injurious to the health of human beings. Dumb animals would never eat such a mixture as is placed in the human stomach. Hot bread and biscuit, fresh from the oven, is not healthful. The heated gases need to be evaporated. (Spalding and Magan Collection, p. 46-47)
Food should be simple, yet nutritious; and so to be palatable... (p. 60) Food should be prepared in good order so that it is palatable. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 537)
Flesh-eating is certainly not NECESSARY to health or strength, as every candid mind must see. (p. 64) We do not hesitate to say that flesh meat is not necessary for health or strength. (Healthful Living, p. 98, para. 2)
One objection to eating so large a proportion of animal food lies in the fact that it increases the proportion of our animalism. (p. 65) A meat diet changes the disposition and strengthens animalism. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 389, para. 5)
It is generally admitted, also, among intelligent people, that eating much flesh tends to diminish intellectual activity; and that consequently it is not well for those who devote themselves to study to indulge largely in the use of meat. If any would be eminent, too, in morals or religion, let them eat but little flesh; if none, still the better. For, when we increase the activity of the animal propensities, we weaken the power of the moral sentiment, and endanger the rectitude of moral action. (p. 66) We are composed of what we eat, and eating much flesh will diminish intellectual activity. Students would accomplish much more in their studies if they never tasted meat. When the animal part of the human agent is strengthened by meat eating, the intellectual powers diminish proportionately. A religious life can be more successfully gained and maintained if meat is discarded, for this diet stimulates into intense activity lustful propensities, and enfeebles the moral and spiritual nature. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 389, para. 5)
There can be no question but that the use of flesh tends to create a grossness of body and spirit. (p. 67) ...the use of the flesh of animals tends to cause a grossness of body and to benumb the finer sensibilities of the mind. (Counsels on Health, p. 115, para. 1)
Even the cancer can generally be traced back, either mediately or immediately, to such an origin [of eating flesh]. (p. 67) From the light God has given me, the prevalence of cancer and tumors is largely due to gross living on dead flesh. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 388, para. 2)
When we feed on flesh, we not only eat the muscular fibres, but the juices or fluids of the animal; and these fluids pass into our own circulation — become our blood — our fluids and our flesh. However pure may be the flesh of the animals we eat, their fluids tend to engender in us a humorous state of the blood. But the meat that is given us in the markets is very far from being pure. The very process taken to fit the animals for market, tends to produce a diseased state of their fluids. (p. 67) The process of fitting animals for market produces in them disease; and fitted in as healthful manner as they can be, they become heated and diseased by driving before they reach the market. The fluids and flesh of these diseased animals are received directly into the blood, and pass into the circulation of the human body, becoming fluids and flesh of the same. Thus humors are introduced into the system. (Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 63-64)
The objections, then, against meat-eating are threefold, — intellectual, moral, and physical. (p. 71) The intellectual, the moral, and the physical powers are depreciated by the habitual use of flesh meats. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 64)
When stimulants are taken, the machinery of the system is hurried and driven too fast. And although by this means its activity and power may seem to be increased, yet a reliction must follow; a corresponding debility must ensue ; then another stimulating draught is called for, to bring the system up again... (p. 73) It stimulates, excites, and quickens the motion of the living machinery, forcing it to unnatural action, and thus gives the tea drinker the impression that it is doing him great service, imparting to him strength. ... When its influence is gone and the increased action caused by its use is abated, then what is the result?--Languor and debility corresponding to the artificial vivacity the tea imparted. (Healthful Living, p. 107, para. 4)
...affects the whole system, and especially the nervous system, by its effects on the stomach. But, besides this, it creates a morbid action of the liver. ... It affects the circulation of the blood, and the quality of the blood itself, so that a great coffee-drinker can generally be known by his complexion; it gives to the skin a dead, dull, sallow appearance. Coffee affects not only the body to its injury, but also the mind. It...excites the mind temporarily to unwonted activity. ... [But afterward] come prostration, sadness, and exhaustion of the moral and physical forces. (p. 79) Through the use of stimulants, the whole system suffers. The nerves are unbalanced, the liver is morbid in its action, the quality and circulation of the blood are affected, and the skin becomes inactive and sallow. The mind, too, is injured. The immediate influence of these stimulants is to excite the brain to undue activity, only to leave it weaker and less capable of exertion. The after-effect is prostration, not only mental and physical, but moral. (Christian Temperance, p. 35)
Because some who have kept their bodies and souls in a gradual steeping of alcoholic liquor, have been apparently robust, and have lived to old age, is it proved that alcohol has never done them injury? (p. 79) Those who use tea, coffee, opium, and alcohol, may sometimes live to old age, but this fact is no argument in favor of the use of these stimulants. (Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, p. 34)
See a party of ladies met to spend an afternoon. ... Toward the close of the afternoon...come the tea and eatables...the drooping mind becomes greatly animated, the tongue is let loose, and the words come flowing forth like the falling drops of a great shower. ... Then is the time for small thoughts and many words; or, it may be, the sending forth of fire-brands of gossip and slander. (p. 82) When these tea and coffee users meet together for social entertainment, the effects of their pernicious habit are manifest. All partake freely of the favorite beverages, and as the stimulating influence is felt, their tongues are loosened, and they begin the wicked work of talking against others. Their words are not few or well chosen. The tidbits of gossip are passed around, too often the poison of scandal as well. (Christian Temperance, p. 36)
...a great tea-drinker by looking at his skin, which loses its bright and lively cast, and puts on a deadly lifeless, dried, and sometimes sallow appearance. (p. 83) Tea and coffee drinkers carry the marks upon their faces. The skin becomes sallow, and assumes a lifeless appearance. (Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 64, 65) one of the most powerful narcotic stimulants ...the nerves lose their sensibility to it in a great measure; they become deadened and blunted to its apparent effects. (p. 84) The brain and nerves are deadened by the use of this narcotic [tobacco]. (The Health Reformer, March 1, 1878, para. 7)
Their own state of health — the health of father and mother — has a very important bearing upon the constitutions of their yet unborn children. If a mother's system has been weakened by violations of law, her children will be obliged to participate with her in suffering the penalty. And, having received the inheritance of disease or debility before birth, they must, more or less, be the partakers of it through life.(p. 88) Diseased children are born because of the gratification of appetite by the parents. ... And the matter does not end here; their innocent offspring also will be sufferers. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 220, para. 3)
Parents have also a heavy responsibility on them, touching the moral character given to their children before birth. If parents are accustomed to undue indulgence in any of the natural propensities, — in eating or drinking, or any other animal appetite, — their children may inherit appetites of the same kind, possessing a similar degree of undue activity and moral tendency. (p. 88) The well-being of the child will be affected by the habits of the mother. Her appetites and passions are to be controlled by principle. There is something for her to shun, something for her to work against, if she fulfills God's purpose for her in giving her a child. If before the birth of her child she is self-indulgent, if she is selfish, impatient, and exacting, these traits will be reflected in the disposition of the child. Thus many children have received as a birthright almost unconquerable tendencies to evil. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 217, para. 2)
If that appetite should be for strong drink, it had better be gratified to the full, rather than that she give, by that continued longing, an indelible imprint of that kind upon her offspring. (p. 90) ...a little domestic wine would have done her no injury; it would have been better for her to have it than to do without it. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 383, para. 4)
He [the father] should take pains to make her [the mother] happy and cheerful; and see that every appetite which comes up is, if possible, forthwith gratified. (p. 90) Great care should be exercised to have the surroundings of the mother pleasant and happy. ... He should be affable, courteous, kind, and tender, and specially attentive to all her wants. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 383, para. 3)
Children should eat only three times a day. (p. 91) They [children] should learn to eat at regular periods, and to allow nothing to pass their lips between these stated meals, which should be served twice or at most three times a day. (The Health Reformer, May 1, 1877, para. 4)
Why, then, will mothers suffer their children to violate the laws of their natures, and expose themselves to suffer the penalty of those violated laws? Will a mother have such a tender concern for her offspring's gratification, as to suffer it to destroy its own comfort and health, and perhaps life? (p. 97)

Shame — SHAME on that mother's love which passes heedlessly by her child's chief and ultimate good, to indulge it in a momentary gratification, or to save herself the trouble of controlling its solicitations! Shame on that mother's humanity, even, whose refined and tender sympathy cannot refuse indulgence where health, and, it may be, life are at stake! (p. 98)

It was shown to me that one cause of the existing deplorable state of things is, that parents do not feel under obligation to bring up their children to conform to physical law. Mothers love their children with an idolatrous love, and they indulge their appetite when they know that it will injure the health of the children, and thereby bring upon them disease and unhappiness. This cruel kindness is carried out to a great extent in the present generation. The desires of children are gratified at the expense of health and happy tempers, because it is easier for the mother, for the time being, to gratify them than to withhold that for which her children clamor. (Christian Education, p. 10, para. 3)
Students should live on simple food; and remember to "eat to live, and not live to eat." ...After one hour from the time the meal is finished, they may with safety set themselves down to study... (pp. 99-100) Students should eat to live, not live to eat. Those who indulge in overeating will never develop into patient, deep-thinking students. Let the diet be simple, and after the meal let an hour's rest be taken in order that they may resume their studies with safety. (Manuscript Releases, vol. 16, p. 63, para. 1)
Exercise in the line of agricultural pursuits, when it can be had, is, perhaps, everything considered, the best kind. In the use of this, there is the advantage of the open air, the smell of vegetation, the effluvia from the ground, and the vigorous action of the muscles of the arms and chest. (pp. 102-103) And for such exercises there is nothing better than the cultivation of the soil. Let patients have flower beds to care for, or work to do in the orchard or vegetable garden. As they are encouraged to leave their rooms and spend time in the open air, cultivating flowers or doing some other light, pleasant work, their attention will be diverted from themselves and their sufferings. (The Ministry of Healing, p. 265, para. 1)
Provision should be made for the exercise of students. Means for agricultural exercise should be provided, if possible, for that portion of the year in which it is practicable. A mechanic's shop, or something to subserve the same purpose, should be provided for the winter season; and a requirement on every student to attend on this important duty... (p. 105) Provision should have been made in past generations for education upon a larger scale. In connection with the schools should have been agricultural and manufacturing establishments. There should also have been teachers of household labor. And a portion of the time each day should have been devoted to labor that the physical and mental powers might be equally exercised. (Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 288, para. 1)
It is generally admitted, by medical men, that sleep is worth more before than after midnight, — that two hours' good sleep before twelve o'clock is worth more than four after that hour. (p. 107) ...sleep is worth far more before than after midnight. Two hours' good sleep before twelve o'clock is worth more than four hours after twelve... (Manuscript Releases, vol. 7, p. 224)
Supper should be the lightest meal of the day, and should be taken at least two hours before bed-time. (p. 117) If a third meal be eaten at all, it should be light, and several hours before going to bed. (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4a p. 130)
Every person ought to be accustomed to periodical, or, at least, occasional bathing. The pores of the skin are likely to become chocked and impervious, without it. The surface of the body becomes covered with a substance which prevents the action of the cutaneous vessels. Washing the surface from such an accumulation is very important both for the flavor and the health of the body; for, when the skin is thus coated, the whole system is affected by it. (p. 119)

...twice a week... (p. 121)

Persons in health should on no account neglect bathing. They should by all means bathe as often as twice a week. ... The multitude of pores, or little mouths, through which the body breathes become clogged and filled with waste matter. The skin needs to be carefully and thoroughly cleansed, that the pores may do their work in freeing the body from impurities... (The Health Reformer, June 1, 1872, para. 17)
A cold a tonic to the skin. (p. 120) A cold or cool bath is an excellent tonic. (The Ministry of Healing, p. 237, para. 1)
Those persons especially, who are devoted to constant mental labor, must have resort to some kind of mental relaxation, or their constitutions will suffer loss... (p. 124) Recreation is needful to those who are engaged in physical labor, yet still more essential for those whose labors are principally mental. (The Review and Herald, October 8, 1867, para. 28)
...when these [married indulgences] are allowed in excess, they reduce the vital energies, and diminish the powers of body and mind. All licentiousness, aside from its moral evils and degradation, is destructive to the human system. (p. 125) ...God requires them to control their married lives from any and women professing godliness give loose rein to their lustful passions, and have no thought that God holds them accountable for the expenditure of vital energy, which weakens their hold on life and enervates the entire system. (A Solemn Appeal, pp. 170-171, para. 1)
Self-indulgence is another degrading, contemptible vice, which has destroyed its thousands and tens of thousands... (p. 126) Solitary vice is killing thousands and tens of thousands. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 97)
Self-indulgence is another degrading, contemptible vice... Setting aside a comparison of its sinfulness, it is doing more injury to society than all other forms of licentiousness… Boys, and even girls...have, by this unnatural practice, not only destroyed their physical systems, but have reduced their minds to comparative imbecility, and, in many cases, to complete idiotism. (p. 126) ...many children of Sabbathkeeping parents are ruining soul and body with secret vice. ... These children are on the direct road to perdition. They are debased themselves, and have instructed many others in this vice. The eldest boy is dwarfed, physically and mentally, by indulging in its practice. What little intellect he has left is of a low order. If he continues in this vicious practice he will eventually become idiotic. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 402)
THE sympathy existing between the mind and the body is so great, that when one is affected, both are affected. (p. 127) The sympathy which exists between the mind and the body is very great. When one is affected, the other responds. (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 60, para. 2)
This state of mind has much to do with the healthy action of the physical system. A cheerful and happy mind gives a free and easy circulation in the nervous system; it aids in the circulation of animal electricity or nervous fluid, which gives support to the vital ener- gies of the whole body. Cheerfulness, by its effect on the nervous system, contributes much toward a healthy and free circulation of the blood. (p. 128) The condition of the mind has much to do with the health of the physical system. If the mind is free and happy, under a consciousness of rightdoing and a sense of satisfaction in causing happiness to others, it will create a cheerfulness that will react upon the whole system, causing a freer circulation of the blood and a toning up of the entire body. (Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 60, para. 2)
A state of despondency and melancholoy...causes dyspepsia... (p. 130) Mental depression causes dyspepsia. Letter 1, 1883, (4LtMs)
To transgress physical law is transgressing God's law. (p. 137) To needlessly transgress the laws of our being is a violation of the law of God. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 537) is exceedingly obtuse on this subject. With the great majority, appetite is the only law which governs. ... The strange abandonment of principle which characterizes this generation is almost enough to dishearten... Instead of seeking after a true knowledge of themselves...they foolishly and wickedly inquire, "What shall I eat, and wherewithal shall I enjoy the present hour?" (pp. 137, 143)
Obedience to the laws of health should be made a matter of individual and personal duty. It is every individual's duty to study the laws of his being and to conform to them. Ignorance or inattention on this subject is sin... (p. 140) Obedience to the laws of our being should be regarded of great importance, and to every individual, a matter of personal duty. Indifference and ignorance upon this subject is sin. (The Health Reformer, October 1, 1871, para. 1)
If a man chew or smoke tobacco till the electric forces of his nervous system are undermined, or the vital properties of his blood are corrupted...and he consequently be laid upon a premature dying couch, would his sickness and death be properly considered visitations of Providence? To send a note to church in such a case...would be insulting to Heaven. (p. 141) They indulge the depraved appetite in the use of slow poisons which corrupt the blood and undermine the nervous forces, and in consequence bring upon themselves sickness and death. Their friends call the result of this course the dispensation of Providence. In this they insult Heaven. (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 140)
Parents are also under obligation to teach and oblige their children to conform to physical law... How strange and unaccountable that mothers should love their children so tenderly as to indulge them in what they have occasion to know may injure their constitutions and impair their happiness... May many children be delivered from such mothers, and from such cruel kindnesses! The mother...commits a crime against her offspring, against humanity, and against Heaven, for which God will hold her responsible... (p. 144) I was shown that one great cause of the existing deplorable state of things is that parents do not feel under obligation to bring up their children to conform to physical law. Mothers love their children with an idolatrous love and indulge their appetite when they know it will injure their health and thereby bring upon them disease and unhappiness. This cruel kindness is manifested to a great extent in the present generation. ... They have sinned against Heaven and against their children, and God will hold them accountable. (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 141)
...and regulations in regard to observance of dietetic law, as are adapted to preserve the health, promote the literary progress, and secure to the world the usefulness of their pupils. And students owe it to the world that they so walk in obedience to law, as to render their existence and advantages a blessing to society. All...are under obligation to exert an example and precept...his influence by word or deed is constantly telling... (pp. 145-146) The students' employment and amusements should have been regulated with reference to physical law and should have been adapted to preserve to them the healthy tone of all the powers of body and mind. ... Students...should...see and feel that society has claims upon them and that they should live in obedience to natural law so that they can, by their existence and influence, by precept and example, be an advantage and blessing to society. It should be impressed upon the youth that all have an influence that is constantly telling... (Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 141)
And where, principally, has this poison [tobacco] lodged itself? On the brain and nerves. It is through this medium making gradual inroads upon his own physical and mental systems, and those of his immediate posterity. (p. 152) Tobacco, in whatever form it is used, tells upon the constitution. It is a slow poison. It affects the brain and benumbs the sensibilities so that the mind cannot discern spiritual things...ruining their health and debasing the faculties of the mind. (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4A, p. 126)
Scrofula is a disease which is inborn, through father or mother, in the constitution of thousands. This is chiefly the product of extensive meat-eating in their progenitors. (p. 164) Very many children are born with their blood tainted with scrofula through the wrong habits of the mother in her eating and dressing. (Health Reformer, November 1, 1871, para. 24)
Nature requires no help from medicinal agents, and will perform her work of cure better without than with them. Where medicines are not really needed, they do harm instead of good... Nature will recover herself better without medicines than with them. (pp. 172,174) The sick...would recover much sooner without the use of any medicine. Nature alone possesses curative powers. Medicines have no power to cure, but will most generally hinder nature in her efforts. (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4A, p. 136, para. 1)
If, on the approach of the disturbance, abstinence from ordinary food be rigidly adhered to for a day or two, the stomach may free itself from its causes of oppression. (p. 179) There are some who would be benefited more by abstinence from food for a day or two every week than by any amount of treatment or medical advice. (Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods, p. 51, para. 5)
Tight lacing — compressing the lungs with ropes, and boards, and steel — is now nearly abandoned; but still dresses are made too tight in the waist, and too much filled with whalebone. The chest should have free room to expand itself, and allow the lungs to fill with air. The breathing should meet no resistance from dress. ... This leads often to a bending over of the chest and flattening of the lungs. Other organs also suffer. (p. 192) The dangers resulting from a compression of the waist are not realized by the majority of women, though many able pens have treated upon the subject. Many claim that tight lacing is now nearly or quite abandoned, and such may think these remarks are uncalled-for; but it is true today that the corsets and dresses of most women are worn too tight for the proper action of the vital organs. The lungs, heart, and liver are burdened in their work. Every article of clothing upon the person should be worn so loose... (The Health Reformer, February 1, 1877, para. 6)
Indeed, as a general rule, drugging in chronic cases is the worst thing that can be done. (pp. 205-206) ...drugging should be forever abandoned; for while it does not cure any malady, it enfeebles the system... (Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 82-83)
It has been my settled conviction, for many years, as before stated, that there is more damage than good done with medicine…it has been for many years, my belief that the standard of health and longevity of our land would now be far above its present position, if there had never been a single physician or a single drug in it…Dr. Johnson says: 'I declare my conscientious opinion…that if there were not a single physician, surgeon, apothecary, chemist, druggist, or drug, on the face of the earth, there would be less sickness and less mortality than now.' (p. 207) I was shown that more deaths have been caused by drug-taking than from all other causes combined. If there was in the land one physician in the place of thousands, a vast amount of premature mortality would be prevented. Multitudes of physicians, and multitudes of drugs, have cursed the inhabitants of the earth, and have carried thousands and tens of thousands to untimely graves. (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, p. 133)
Every Gospel preacher ought evidently so to study the laws of physical life, and their bearings on the soul, that he may be able to speak on this subject correctly ; and, by an example of obedience to physical law, to preach it forcibly to his people. He should urge them, by precept and example, to "abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul." (p. 209) The ministers in our land should become intelligent upon Health Reform. They need to become acquainted with the science of physiology. ... Then they will be able to speak correctly upon this subject. ... All who claim to be teachers should urge, both by precept and example the necessity of abstaining from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. (Bible Training School, August 1, 1907)
...violations of natural law, which is the law of God... (p. 210) The transgression of the physical law is transgression of God's law. (Healthful Living, p. 20, para. 2)
Here has Jehovah written his his own Almighty finger, upon every living fibre and function of the human body. (p. 211) God's law is written by his own finger upon every nerve, every muscle, every faculty which has been entrusted to man. (Healthful Living, p. 20, para. 4)
In some way, sooner or later, the suffering must come. Every transgression of physical law, committed consciously or unconsciously, unavoidably or wantonly, will receive the penalty made due in natural law... (p. 211) God has formed laws to govern every part of our constitutions, and these laws which he has placed in our being are divine, and for every transgression there is a fixed penalty, which sooner or later must be realized. (Healthful Living, p. 20, para. 5) becomes the duty of every individual, for his own sake, and the sake of God, to inform himself on the laws of organized life, and religiously obey them. It is as truly a duty to read and be informed on this subject, as it is to study the precepts of the Bible. The study of the Bible first, and the study of the laws of life next. (p. 215) It is the duty of every human being, for his own sake and for the sake of humanity, to inform himself or herself in regard to the laws of organic life, and conscientiously to obey them. . . . It is the duty of every person to become intelligent in regard to disease and its causes. You must study your Bible, in order to understand the value that the Lord places on the men whom Christ has purchased at such an infinite price. Then we should become acquainted with the laws of life, that every action of the human agent may be in perfect harmony with the laws of God. (Healthful Living, p. 19, para. 5) is as truly a sin against Heaven, to violate a law of life, as to break one of the ten commandments. (p. 215) It is as truly a sin to violate the laws of our being as it is to break the ten commandments. (Christian Temperance, p. 53)
Over-eating will not only blunt the vigor of bodily health, but stupefy the intellect. (p. 223) It is sin to be intemperate in the quantity of food eaten…the vitality of the system is exhausted... It also has a depressing influence upon the intellect. (Counsels on Health, p. 160.)
The use of meats tends to lessen mental activity. Those especially who are devoting themselves to intellectual pursuits, would gain great advantage by total abstinence from them. (p. 225) Eating much flesh will diminish intellectual activity. Students would accomplish much more in their studies if they never tasted meat. (Healthful Living, p. 101, para. 7)
Recklessness in bodily habits tends to recklessness in moral character. (p. 227) Recklessness in regard to bodily health tends to recklessness in moral character. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 536, para. 2)
If the mothers would have their sons become men with healthful bodies and hearts, they must guard them with special care against the gross and engrossing sensualities of the men of this age. They must guard them against the indulgence of every appetite that can injure the stomach and nervous system, especially against the use of stimulants and narcotics. (p. 229) God calls upon parents to guard their children against the indulgence of appetite, and especially against the use of stimulants and narcotics. The tables of Christian parents should never be loaded with food containing condiments and spices. They are to study to preserve the stomach from any abuse. (Child Guidance, p. 405, para. 1)
Animal food, at all times, has its bearings on religious character. ... the taking of it at any time retards the progress of the soul in spirituality. hinders spirituality and growth in grace. ... they tend to lessen the susceptibility of the soul to the force of truth, and to advancement in spirituality. (p. 243) A diet of flesh meat tends to develop animalism. A development of animalism lessens spirituality, rendering the mind incapable of understanding truth. (Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 382, para. 3)
Whatever mars the healthy circulation of the electric currents in the nervous system, lessens the strength of the vital forces; and, through them; deadens the native susceptibilities of the soul. The nervous system is the only medium through which truth can reach inferior man. Divinity himself uses no other medium through which to reach the human heart. (pp. 266,267) The brain nerves which communicate with the entire system are the only medium through which Heaven can communicate to man and affect his inmost life. Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents in the nervous system lessens the strength of the vital powers, and the result is a deadening of the sensibilities of the mind. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 347)
Everybody acknowledges that meats increase the activity of the passions... (p. 243) Meat should not be placed before our children. Its influence is to excite and strengthen the lower passions, and has a tendency to deaden the moral powers. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 352)


The following quotes from Horace Mann were taken from Ronald Numbers' book Prophetess of Health.

Horace Mann
Dedicatory and Inaugural Address, 1853
Ellen G. White
Testimonies, 1873-1876
Man came from the hand of God so perfect in his bodily surcharged with vital force, that it took more than two thousand years of the combined abominations of appetite and drain off his electric energies and make him even accessible to disease. (pp. 335-336) Man came from the hand of God perfect in every faculty of mind and body; in perfect soundness, therefore in perfect health. It took more than two thousand years of indulgence of appetite and lustful passions to create such a state of things in the human organism as would lessen vital force. (Vol. 4, p. 29)
...if the race had not been created with ten times more vital force than it now possesses, its known violations of all the laws of health and life would, long ere this, have extinguished it altogether. (p. 340) If Adam, at his creation, had not been endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have, the race, with their present habits of living in violation of natural law, would have become extinct. (Vol. 3, p. 138)

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